Queen Elizabeth National Park

The tree-climbing lions, chimpanzees and beautiful volcanic landscape is what makes Queen Elizabeth National Park one of the most popular parks in Uganda. This second largest park in West Uganda is a must-see, since it offers the best wildlife viewing in the country. One of the highlight for many travelers is a boat tour on the Kazinga Channel that is teemed with crocodiles and hippos and other wildlife that comes to the channel to drink.

Rwenzori Mountains

Queen Elizabeth National Park lies on the Rift Valley floor against the back of the Rwenzori Mountains. It has beautiful volcanic cones and deep craters sprinkled around green hills. This stunning landscape made up of intensive savanna, fertile wetlands and forests is the perfect home to a variety of wildlife. The 32 km (20 mi) long Kazinga Channels flows from Lake George in the east to Lake Edward in the west and divides the park.

Chimps and tree-climbing lions

The diversity and abundance of wildlife in Queen Elizabeth National Park is one of the best in Uganda. On the Kasenyi Plains in the north of the park you can spot lions, leopards, elephants, hyenas and hippos. Whereas the Kyumbura Gorge in the east is the place to go for chimpanzee trekking. Finally the famous tree-climbing lions are found in the remote south of the park (Ishasha region). It’s a mesmerizing sight to see these iconic predators lounging lazily in big fig trees.

Boat safari

If you are craving for exciting activities, there are plenty to choose from. Go on a nature walk, hot air balloon flight, birdwatching or chimpanzee trekking. Don’t miss out on a boat trip on the Kazinga Channel and enjoy the sight of hippos, crocodiles, elephants and colorful birds. Even though Queen Elizabeth is one of Uganda’s most popular parks, it’s still scenic, peaceful and far from overcrowded.

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Highlights of Uganda Safari