Kibale National Park

If you love primates, Kibale National Park is the place to be. The park is part of Uganda’s south-western safari circuit and lies in a lovely tropical forest. Here you can see the highest concentration of primates in Africa, such as the famous chimpanzees. Although Kibale is the primate capital of the world, it offers also a variety of other safari activities.

Chimpanzee trekking

Kibale National Park is a habitat for 13 species of primates including 1500 wild chimps. It’s one the best places in the world for chimpanzees trekking. Since the chimps in Kibale are pretty relaxed you can come close to them. The first face to face encounter with a wild chimpanzee is truly a special experience. Be aware that chimps are quick and can climb high up in the trees, so it takes time and patience to spot them. Apart from chimpanzees, there ar so many other primates in this park. Witness the red-tailed monkey, acrobatic black-and-white colobus monkey and grey-cheeked mangabey.

Forest walks and birding

Kibale’s varied landscape ranges from savannah on the rift valley floor to tropical forest on the Fort Portal Plateau. This 300 sq. miles (776 km2) park is besides primates also home to lots of other wildlife. Enjoy sights of elephants, buffaloes, antelopes, civets, bush babies and lions. Moreover the rainforest hides lots of reptiles, 250 butterfly species and over 350 different kind of birds. Fantastic birding and primate watching combined with activities, such as forest walks, night hikes and bushcraft classes, make Kibale a great safari destination.

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Gorilla Trekking Uganda